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Tweedie Brown



Formerly a Brigadier in the British Army. Notable career highlights include 4 years spent in Berlin before, during and after the Fall of the Wall, initially Deputy Chief of Staff and then as Deputy Commander; then as Chief Executive of a Defence Agency, Commander of the Defence College of Logistics and finally Chief of Staff to the Adjutant General.

Spent the last 14 years in the commercial defence, property and tech sectors, both domestic and international.

Formerly Managing Director of a listed company, the Property Search Group plc, a franchise with 75 offices in England and Wales. Consolidated this involvement with current roles as Chairman of the Guild of Letting and Management, Joint Chairman of Caridon Property Ltd, Chairman of Exemplar Ltd custom-build passive housing, Chairman of VPS (Virtual Power Supplies) and the Estate and Letting Agent of the Year Awards.

Chairman of Praetorian International, a small defence company involved in training certain specialist aspects of military and law enforcement. It provides a full service approach including a unique ballistic containment solution.

President of The League of Angels. An angel funding organisation working with Start-Ups and SMEs. Working with Family Offices, Institutions, Private Equity organisations and HNWs. Senior Advisor to MCF Corporate Finance, an international M&A Advisory Firm operating out of London, Hamburg, Helsinki and Stockholm. Senior member of the Genesis Patrons’ Club. The Genesis Initiative is a cross-party lobby group representing over 2 million UK SMEs.

Trustee of two charities: WandAid - bringing business solutions to the front line of humanitarian relief, through fundraising based on theatrical endeavours of magic and music; and Homes for Heroes – assisting serving and ex-serving members of HM Forces both in their homes and in acquiring homes.

Awarded the OBE in 1992 and the CBE in 2003. A Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Bowyers.